
  • Meaning of Peanut:
  • Category: Cute, Baby
Average: 4 (96 votes)



a cute name


This is my cat's name Full McSqueaky



My kitten's name is Peanut,and she's so cute! She curls up in my lap,and falls asleep!


my kitten's name is peanut and he is the best. He follows me everywhere and it's great

joan o'neill

My Little peanut. She is now 4 years old. I brought her home when she was 7 weeks old. She was a little thing hence the name PEANUT. My then 17 year old lost her litter mate and we thought a kitten would ease the grief. Wrong = Peanut is so awful to our now 21 year old I sometimes wish I never got her. But she is very loving and a nice cat at times. We love both our cats the 21 year young Tabitha and the cat from Hell PEANNUT who is 4.


That's the cutest name ever

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