
  • Meaning of Nelly: Abbreviation of Eleanor shining light.
  • Category: Popular, Good
  • Gender: Female
Average: 3.4 (73 votes)



My kitten is named nelly and i love it!! She is a torteyshell and is so pretty!!


best kitty name in the world!!


i like this name its od but it sounds really good i like it so if i get a kitten all name my cat that if the cat is a girl


Named my black kitty Nellie for Nosie Nellie she is into everything, helping, following be around I Love her!


I named my kitten nelly because she has a cute belly and its soft to so some time we call her nelly bobelly.


I dont really think a cat should be called Nelly!
My Great nan was called Nelly and i think that Nelly is a humans name:)
Sorry to be a party pooper but that is my opiuion. If you was in my postition you would write this aswell.


I have a cat named Nelly I call her my Nelly belly!!!!!!!

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