this will be the most wonderful name for my first kitten!
My granddaughter brought me a 3 week old gray tabby kitten today whose mother was killed. She's so precious! I named her fits perfectly!
My husband & I adopted a little tabby cat May 10' @ 7 wks old. We wanted a name with meaning, an she was a cuddleder from day 1, so Maiya fit perfect for her. She knows her name, as she comes when she is called.
this will be the most wonderful name for my first kitten!
My granddaughter brought me a 3 week old gray tabby kitten today whose mother was killed. She's so precious! I named her fits perfectly!
My husband & I adopted a little tabby cat May 10' @ 7 wks old. We wanted a name with meaning, an she was a cuddleder from day 1, so Maiya fit perfect for her. She knows her name, as she comes when she is called.
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