
  • Meaning of Jasper: Black stone
  • Category: Black
  • Gender: Male
Average: 3.9 (185 votes)



Awesome name


I cute variation of this name is Jaspurr.


it is ok but i like ROBERT WEBB BETTER <3


Another cute variation is Jazz-Purr


My sitters cat is called jasper and he's dark brown but because I'm colour-blind I think he is black but he is a handsome brute


I am 11 years old. I love the name Jasper! In May we are hoping to get a boy kitten named Jasper.

Neville ovenden

Jasper is a March birthstone and its a Gold or Orange colour not black, my Burmese called Jasper was a red point or champagne point, depending on who you talk to, it was a coincedence he was called Jasper (a) his colour and (b) my birth date of March, as I was,nt aware of the gemstone colour at the time of his birth in 1997, sadly Jasper is no longer with us.


getting a cat in six weeks and if its a boy we are going to name it either jasper or furby if its a girls her name will be ember.

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